Case study “Soulfull Photo”

Promoting Photography Services in Dubai

My wife decided to become a photographer in Dubai. We chose family photography due to our love for this art form and the local audience, which mainly consists of families. We conducted a small study to better understand our audience.

We launched advertising campaigns and started promoting her services primarily through Instagram. This helped us set appropriate prices and successfully sell services, covering advertising and staff costs. Additionally, it was enough to buy bags and shoes for her.

Project Objectives

Promotion Tools
We needed to determine the right promotion strategy, which included selecting the most effective digital marketing channels to reach our target audience. We experimented with platforms like Instagram, Google Display Network, search engine promotion, and email marketing. Identifying the optimal advertising channel was crucial to conducting maximum tests for minimum cost and creating compelling ad campaigns.
Setting the right price for our photography services was also essential. We sought a balance between competitive pricing and the value of our services. We conducted market analysis and compared our prices with other local photographers. Additionally, we experimented with different pricing models to find the best fit for our clients. This process helped us establish attractive and profitable prices.
Creating Personas
Understanding our demographic audience was a key objective. We needed to know who our typical client was, including their age, income level, and lifestyle preferences. Analyzing customer data allowed us to identify patterns in purchasing behavior. Furthermore, we studied which types of offers and promotions our audience responded to best. This knowledge helped us tailor our marketing efforts and service offerings to effectively meet their needs.

Target Audience Analysis

To analyze our target audience, we focused on several key points: where our clients spend their time, where they live, and their lifestyle. We examined their attitudes towards photoshoots and the problems our service solves.
Next, we analyzed demographic characteristics. Dubai is a multinational city with diverse mentalities and attitudes towards services. We aimed to minimize stress from interacting with clients who skimp on quality services and do not appreciate them.
We also avoided people who do not understand the difference between low-quality and professional photography. By identifying the ideal client, we used this profile when creating marketing materials, which helped us target our efforts more precisely and attract the right audience.


After numerous tests, analysis, and trial and error, we identified our core strategy, which included several key points. This strategy was designed to attract the right audience, optimize pricing, improve advertising efforts, and expand our services. Below is the step-by-step action plan we implemented:
  1. Targeting High-Income Clients: We decided to focus on people with medium and high income. This helped us attract clients who value quality and are willing to pay for it.
  2. Strategic Pricing: We set our prices at a level that automatically excluded lower-income clients. This approach minimized issues with discounts and bargaining, as our clients understood the value of our services.
  3. Optimizing Advertising Budget: With higher prices, we had more revenue to reinvest in advertising. This allowed us to attract even more clients and focus on providing better services.
  4. Focus on Instagram and Website: We use Instagram for promotion and lead generation, while our website serves as a portfolio and a source of organic traffic through engaging, SEO-optimized content.
  5. CRM Integration: We integrated a CRM system (AMO) to manage our client base. This ensures that we do not miss any leads and periodically remind clients of our services through newsletters.
  6. Referral Program: We created a referral program where clients could receive discounts for recommending our services to their acquaintances. This helped us expand our client base through word-of-mouth, while clients received a small discount.
  7. Additional Products: We began upselling complementary items such as photo albums and printed photos. This increased our profit and provided more value to our clients.

Lead Generation

To attract clients, we focused on explaining the value they would receive for their money. We used various types of ad creatives to capture their attention
To streamline the process, we integrated all leads from Facebook, Instagram, and our website into a CRM system. This allowed us to manage communications with leads in one place, set tasks, and track interactions. The system provided a clear and visual way to monitor lead flow and determine which ad creatives were most effective.

Additionally, we conducted weekly analyses of our ad spend, cost per lead, cost per order, and average order cycle. This data-driven approach helped us refine our business model and optimize our marketing efforts.


As seen from the data, our weekly lead generation did not exceed 23 leads per day. However, with a client conversion rate of 25%, we couldn’t scale the advertising campaign further due to the limited time available to serve all clients.

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Content and SEO

For our content and SEO strategy, we analysed competitors’ websites to understand what topics they cover and which keywords they use.

Using Google Keyword Planner and Key Collector, we identified the key phrases they aim to rank for and compiled a list of these keywords.

Based on this research, we developed a detailed content plan. With the help of ChatGPT, we created numerous articles and published them on our website. 

We also made shorter versions of these articles for social media.
This dual approach to content creation increased our organic reach by addressing real user queries. By automating content creation, we focused on producing high-quality visual content for Instagram.

This strategy not only improved our SEO but also allowed us to save time and money on organic search engine promotion.


advertising cost At the same time, there is a stable negative trend in this metric due to referrals, organic growth, and word-of-mouth.
qualification rate Every 4th lead becomes a client.
per sales qualified lead The average cost of a lead that passed the initial qualification.
15 clients
each month, my wife is fully booked with photoshoots, so appointments constantly need to be rescheduled.

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