Case Study "Videojet Technologies"

Marketing marking equipment in Russia.
B2B marketing at its best.

My journey with Videojet Technologies, a global leader in marking eand coding technologies, began back in 2018. I’ll share a bit of the internal workings and how everything was set up within the Russian branch of Videojet.

Videojet Objectives

Maintaining Market Share
Our company in Russia consistently held 31-35% of the marking equipment market. Marketing’s role was not only lead generation but also brand support and awareness. This included organizing exhibitions, running ad campaigns in print media, and periodic direct marketing campaigns.
Attacking Competitors’ Strongholds
We conducted guerrilla ABM campaigns and targeted telemarketing activities aimed at penetrating our competitors’ territories.

Achieving Double-Digits Growth

It’s impossible to achieve 10% annual growth solely by increasing sales to existing clients. Therefore, the marketing department was tasked with generating high-quality leads ready to make a purchase.

Videojet Strategy in Russia

Digital Marketing
Setting up contextual advertising, creating creative landing pages with endless A/B testing, and generating a large amount of content to increase SEO traffic. We also used social media, particularly YouTube, to publish video content, which proved most effective for increasing reach.
Email Marketing, Funnels, and Client Nurturing
Understanding that the average deal cycle could reach 140 days, we took our time to nurture our client base. We created dozens of trigger chains that automatically engaged clients based on their actions on the website or email responses, triggering various automatic actions.
Outbound Campaigns
Creating effective cold-calling lead generation channels, leveraging the large international team for real-time best practice sharing. Using Salesforce CRM, we conducted deep analytics targeting the most valuable lead generation segments.
Exhibitions, Seminars, and Webinars
Taking advantage of the international team’s expertise and using Salesforce CRM for deep analytics, we generated leads through cold calling. This tool was underrated by competitors but valued by our partners, creating synergy by mixing supplier databases and generating additional sales. Joint events also sparked interest among potential clients.

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Key Takeaways from 4 Years at Videojet Russia

Customer Loyalty: Russian clients show extreme loyalty to their suppliers. Once convinced and not let down, they are unlikely to switch.

Sales and Marketing Integration: Close cooperation with the sales department is crucial for marketing. Success in sales should be directly tied to marketing efforts. Sales teams shouldn’t thrive without marketing.

Effort and Innovation: Success or failure may be out of your control, but your level of effort isn’t. Continual testing and innovation in technology, approaches, platforms, content, design, and analysis are essential.

Strategic Collaboration: Department heads should jointly create promotion strategies. However, even the best strategies and managers are powerless if the product is significantly inferior to competitors.

Adaptability: The marketing department must constantly try new things. Fear of change suggests a move to accounting might be more suitable.


2,5 million $ sales

of incremental revenue from equipment was my team able to generate

3500+ leads

My team has generated this many leads from different lead sources


Growth of client base during my 3 years as marketing leader. This helped to achieve 100% growth in recurrent revenue


times my team was recognized as the best marketing team globally inside Danaher company.

Global Role: After working in Russia, I was moved up the chain of command and joined the global Videojet team in Dubai. I now manage marketing campaigns worldwide.

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